GFCF Diets, Picky Eating, Autism, & Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders...What's the Connection? [Podcast]

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We're covering the basics like what gluten and casein are exactly, the gluten free / casein free (GFCF) diet and exploring some of the research around it, as well as some thoughts you may want to consider before taking on a special diet for your child.

I'm covering 5 connections to consider when thinking about GFCF diets for children with complex picky eating, developmental delays, autism, and/or other neurodevelopmental conditions.

Mentioned in the show:

My accompanying blog: GFCF Diets, Picky Eating, Autism, & Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders...What's the Connection?


Are you ready to learn how to help your child overcome complex picky eating and bring more ease and joy to mealtimes?

Enroll today in Naturally Navigating Picky Eating, a self-paced online course + guide for parents and caregivers of children with complex picky eating, with and without developmental conditions…