Below is a list of my favorite recipe developers and cookbooks. These recipe developers and cookbooks have healthy, gut-friendly, gluten-free recipes (often dairy free), and have been chosen with picky eater approval and family friendliness in mind.

Note: When you see a recipe that’s “paleo”, you can typically assume it’s free of gluten, grains, dairy, corn, soy and other legumes, and artificial ingredients. Always double check if you and/or your child is avoiding these foods, of course.

I don’t follow recipes very often these days, as I tend to “flow” in the kitchen and see how things turn out… Thankfully this tends to work out well for me! But when I first started my health journey and I was focused on cleaning up my diet and healing my gut, finding and following recipes was very helpful for me.

These days, when I’m in a recipe rut and need some new inspiration in my life, these are the recipe developers I turn to and often recommend to clients. Usually I follow the recipe as close as possible the first few times, then once I get the hang of it I may either keep it as is or put my own twist on it as I add it into my go-to recipes repertoire.

Take a look, browse their sites and cookbooks, get inspired, and start cookin’! I hope you and your family love these!


Renee Kohley of Raising Generation Nourished:

Don’t let “baby food” on the cover make you shy away from this book. It’s really applicable for the whole family, but is especially great for families who have littles ones in the early feeding stages.


Super Paleo Snacks: 100 Delicious Low-Glycemic, Gluten-Free Snacks That Will Make Living Your Paleo Lifestyle Simple & Satisfying by Landria Voight, C.H.H.C.:

While the title says, “snacks”, I’ve found that many of these recipes can serve as parts of regular meals for children. These recipes are especially great for children’s lunch boxes, outings, etc.

[Click here or the image below] to learn more and purchase the cookbook


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